المعلومات العامة
Country: Saudi Arabia
City Code: Jeddah
Street: Umrah Bint Al Khansa
House number: 0564400736
Joined: 2017-07-26 03:19:33
Name in English : Hanan Ahmed Hadha
Name in Arabic : حنان أحمد حضاء
Date of birth: 28-december-1990
Phone: +966-562815147
E-mail: hanan.hadhaa@gmail.com
Sex: Female
Membership Type:
Certificate Obtained in English: Sports Nutrition Guide for Starters
Certificate Obtained in Arabic: دليل التغذية الرياضية الاساسي
Specialization in the field of sports (English): coaching
Specialization in the field of sports (Arabic): تدريب
Workplace in English: personal training
Workplace in Arabic: تدريب شخصي
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