المعلومات العامة
Country: Morocco
City Code: fez 30000
Street: road aine smen
House number: 38 N 8 quartie nakhil
Joined: 2017-09-19 22:42:36
Name in English : Mohamed Rhafrhouf
Name in Arabic : محمد غفغوف
Date of birth: 8-january-1950
Phone: +212-212663041429
E-mail: mrhafrhouf48@gmail.com
Sex: Male
Membership Type:
Certificate Obtained in English: Certificate of organization programming and sports events - Certificate for the preparation of sports projects
Certificate Obtained in Arabic: شهادة لبرمجة التنظيم و التظاهرات الرياضية - شهادة لاعداد المشاريع الرياضية
Specialization in the field of sports (English): Management and marketing sports
Specialization in the field of sports (Arabic): التدبير الاداري و التسويق الرياضي
Workplace in English: Rdsport Maroc
Workplace in Arabic: ملتقى حوار في الرياضة بالمغرب
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