المعلومات العامة
Country: Egypt
City Code: Giza, 12617
Street: Mahmoud Waheeb st, from nahia street
House number: 17
Joined: 2020-09-17 02:23:49
Name in English : Mahmoud Mokhtar Ahmed
Name in Arabic : محمود مختار احمد
Date of birth: 14-may-1997
Phone: +20-1152494699
E-mail: mahmoudmokhtarlove@gmail.com
Sex: Male
Membership Type:
Certificate Obtained in English: Football
Certificate Obtained in Arabic: كرة القدم
Specialization in the field of sports (English): Football
Specialization in the field of sports (Arabic): كرة القدم
Workplace in English: Cairo International Stadium
Workplace in Arabic: ستاد القاهرة الدولى
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